After school programs, workshops and clinics.
B.E.A.R. programs are adaptable to the unique needs and contexts of
individual schools. Partnering with B.E.A.R. means your students will get
customized learning support that will help their creative growth and
academic skills. All content is aligned to California State Standards and will
enhance the lessons provided in the classroom.
B.E.A.R. offers both in-person, on-campus programming in addition to web-
based instruction in order to accommodate the needs of every student who
wants to participate.

How It Works
Seasons in After School:
Fall / Winter / Spring
Select one or more classes (any topic) to offer in the Fall, Winter, and Spring. Class selections can change by season if desired and multiple class selections can be made within a topic.
School-selected class offerings
B.E.A.R.-designed program based on student needs, interests, and demographics.
Summer Enrichment
Select any topic/classes or group of topics/classes to offer during summer enrichment period. Offered in 2-to-4 week periods.
School-selected class offerings
B.E.A.R.-designed program based on student needs, interests, and demographics.
Workshops / Clinics
After School:
Early Release Days (one class)
2-day Workshops (one or two classes)
3-day Workshops (one or two classes)
School Day:
Full Day (e.g., teacher PD day)
Full School Day, one topic or one/two classes